Re: Contact lists and Contact groups. Is there a way to import contacts from the contacts list?
We've managed to find a work around to this and it's pretty easy. Create a Users Grid with columns with Names and Emails listed. Then in a column next to to it put in: =Name@row + " <" +…5 · -
Re: Can you insert a URL Link into a form
I've been trying to do this. I have a URL that I copy right in and it works. However it looks quite messy, so I was seeking a way to have a sort of URL wrapper similar to what you can use in a grid. …1 · -
Re: Changing the name on Automation emails?
Thanks. Seems Smartsheet really dropped the ball with this change then. Glad we're not the only people to bamboozled by this.1 · -
Re: Upcoming changes to our automated notifications - live today 17th April 2020
We've got the exact same Issue. We don't want a specific name on the email address as this is causing people to hastle them, despite having no involvement with the contents of the automation. If we c…2 · -
Re: How to have a Date and Time format for Date Column Properties?
I'm encountering the same problem. No ability to cope with time. Which is pretty weird considering that the Autodate columns actually lists date and time. However if you then reference that column in…2 ·